LHPH Capital Partners with Dealer controlled leasing
Dealer Controlled Leasing (DCL) is a Turnkey program designed by new car dealers for new car dealers who want to dominate and serve the subprime market. You may be thinking, "What benefits does a new car dealer gain from adding a leasing company?" To name a few: increase sales, sales tax and federal income tax benefits, customer retention, new income source, etc.
a Powerful Subprime Program For New Car Dealerships
- DCL provides the dealer the technology & infrastructure to build their own subprime leasing company, along with best practices, training & support.
- The DCL business model provides your customers a path to transition to near prime or prime credit and return to purchase within 12-24 months.
- Access to preferred capital providers
Your Turnkey Package includes

- Automated mileage tracking
- Integrated GPS and starter interrupt technology
- 24/7 On-line payments
- Ability to report to Equifax, TransUnion & Experian
- Single entry accounting
Integrated insurance tracking

Training & Support
- Seasoned personnel in retail, collections and subprime operations
- 40+ years of automotive retail experience
- 40+ years providing subprime technology, training, and consulting
- Opened over 400+ subprime dealerships
- Trained over 20,000 subprime professionals

Credit Education
- Dedicated Credit Coaches available for Q&A throughout the lifetime of the program
- Positive credit accounts are analyzed to make recommendations on how to proactively improve your credit profile (credit cards, loans, balances etc.)
- Customized recommendations are made to significantly improve your credit in as little as 45 day
- We ask the creditors to verify that information is reporting accurately
Get In Touch
Have a question, comment, or request a demo?
(732) 709-1955
402 Highway 35, Keyport, NJ 07735